I decided I better get this post up before Carter turns 11 months!
I think maybe I procrastinated on this post because I did not get good pictures AT ALL! Apparantly he did not want to smile for me and was either rolling over or scooting himself off the blanket! You can see what I mean!
So, that's the best of what I got...horrible, I know! But, I guess that's a little glimpse of him at 10 months! It hasn't been too eventful but at 10 months Carter:
-loves to stand! Can't quite get himself pulled up yet, but it's coming!
-has 3 teeth--the third just popped through the day before he turned 10 months.
-eats pretty much all table food and won't stop until you stop putting it in front of him!
-travels extremely well
-still looks like Daddy (at least to most people who know us well) and some, typically strangers, will say he looks just like his brother and still others will say he looks like Mommy's side of the family!
-still has the cheesiest grin
-starting to actually roll all over the place now!
wow! can't believe he's going to be a year old soon!